This cake is so yummy and scrummy, I ♥ it.

Yummy yummy yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and extra yummy the best thing is it’s really easy to make and it’s still tastes good after few days wohoooo :). I think my mums obsession with lemons is rubbing off on to me 🙂

When I first heard of yoghurt cake I thought hmmmmmmm…is that right? yoghurt cake? it really sounded wrong to me but I gave it a try and was really surprised as it tasted really nice. It’s moist but denser then a normal cake but not too dense if you get what I mean. I first tried the recipe using strawberry yoghurt a while back and my cousin really liked it and he isn’t always into cakes so I felt quite happy :), the taste of strawberrys really came through and it was so delish. I have made it a couple more times as it’s one of them cakes that is easy and doesn’t really go wrong. I also once split the cake mixture into two sandwich tins and made the victoria sponge with cream and jam ooooooo yes very very delish.

Butttttttttttttt I then thought ooooooooo why not make a version with LEMON hey hey hey (for my mum) and to make it even more interesting I wanted to add lemon curd as well oooooo yeh.

lemon-yoghurt-curdlemon-yoghurt-curd2 lemon-yoghurt-curd3

Easy peasy lemon yoghurt cake squeezy
Serves 8
I’m sorry to the website where I got it from ages ago, I’m not sure where it was from sorry
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
40 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
40 min
  1. I tub – yoghurt activia size (for this recipe I brought a small lemon yoghurt pot from Tesco I’m sure other supermarket do offer them no I’m not advertising!)
  2. 2 tubs – sugar (I used caster)
  3. 3 tub – self raising flour
  4. I tub – oil
  5. 3 – eggs (I used medium)
  6. 3/4 tsp – vanilla extract
  7. couple of spoons of lemon curd
  8. pinch of salt
  1. 1. Preheat the oven at 180°C. Line a 8″ cake tin.
  2. 2. Add all the ingretidents in a mixing bowl and mix with a hand blender until combined don’t over mix.
  3. 3. Pour half the mixture into the cake tin and then add dollops of lemon curd (as well you can) then swirl with a spoon, add the remained of the cake mix over the top and cook for 40 mins.
  1. You can be creative and add whatever type of yoghurt and even fruit in the mix go on and be inventive!!!